اعضای هیات علمی

مرتضی مرادی

مرتضی مرادی

شماره تماس: 5753
اتاق: -
پست الکترونیکی: 
PhD: Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), 2011-2016
M.Sc.: Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran (UT), 2006-2009
B.Sc.: Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran (UT), 2002-2006
:Research Interests

Processes of chemical, oil, gas and petrochemical industries (design, simulation and optimization of processes, design of process equipment)

Separation and membrane processes
Fuel cells (design, fabrication, modeling and simulation of polymer fuel cells (PEM), proton exchange nanocomposite membranes)
(Chemical reaction engineering (reaction kinetics and design of chemical reactors, production of catalysts
:Technological fields
Technology of manufacturing process units of oil, gas and petrochemical industries
Chemical production and purification technology
Industrial waste and wastewater treatment technology
 Industrial catalyst production technology

سیالات حفاری پیشرفته